About ASIS&T

Originally, ASIS&T stood for “American Society for Information Science and Technology,” but now stands for “Association for Information Science and Technology.” I served as elected Vice President for the UNC School of Information and Library Science chapter for the 2010 school year. As an officer, I helped to organize an award-winning information session about research poster design.

ASIS&T Event Photo

2010 ASIS&T Annual Meeting

Along with several other students from UNC SILS, I attended the ASIS&T Annual Meeting in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Conference Hotel PhotoPittsburgh Post-GazetteUNC Conference Reception Table

First Annual Student Design Competition

I participated in the first annual Student Design Competition at the Annual Meeting. Each participant worked with a small team of other students. The goal for the competition was to produce a design and presentation for a search engine tool which would produce “serendiptious” results. In the end, my team won with our Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon recipe recommender system. Our design was lauded as being specific, achievable, and grounded in theory. My main contribution to the design involved the notion of using system graph theory to produce serendipitous results. I based my idea off of the study of Mark S. Granovetter’s paper on The Strength of Weak Ties.

Slideshow Title SlideKevin Bacon Team Presenting