Assistant Manager
Sci-Fi Genre is an online and brick-and-mortar retailer for all different kinds of geek paraphernalia. As an assistant manager, I was responsible for handling inventory, providing customer service for the retail store, aiding in processing weekly orders and subscriptions, and organizing special events. While a small business based in Durham, Sci-Fi Genre maintains a product warehouse, an archive of over 35,000 back issue comic books, and provides tailored comic book subscription services to hundreds of online customers from around the world every week.
Sci-Fi Genre’s local business continued to boom after I left the company’s employment. They recently changed their name to Atomic Empire and moved their location to a more voluminous space in Durham, NC. Besides being larger, the new location now offers snacks and serves beers from local micro-breweries. Atomic Empire also played host to the North Carolina State Championship Tournament for “Magic: The Gathering,” the most popular collectible card game in the world.